Thonia on Faith, Music, and Her Soul-Baring Single “Inside Out”

Thonia on Faith, Music, and Her Soul-Baring Single “Inside Out”

There’s something magnetic about Thonia. With a voice that lingers like a prayer and lyrics that cut through the noise, she’s quickly establishing herself as a rising force in the realm of inspirational music. Her latest single, “Inside Out,” is a vulnerable yet powerful anthem—a deep dive into the transformative power of faith and self-reflection. Thonia doesn’t just sing; she invites you into her world, offering a raw, unfiltered look at her spiritual journey.

Born with a love for music and a heart deeply anchored in spiritual exploration, Thonia‘s journey has been one of profound self-discovery and faith. Growing up, she grappled with questions about life’s purpose and how to live a truly fulfilling existence. Through her studies and meditations, she discovered that true peace and contentment come from living a life surrendered to God. “Inside Out” reflects this revelation, merging folk and contemporary Christian influences to express her belief that embracing God’s guidance leads to a deeper, more authentic self.

Read the fill interview below:

Thonia, can you share the inspiration behind your latest single, “Inside Out”? What personal experiences or insights influenced its creation?

Inside Out” is a song I wrote as I began to realize how to live and enjoy life. Growing up, I always had questions about the purpose of life and how to live a truly happy and fulfilled life. As I began studying the word of God, I understood that life was created by God to be lived for him. There’s always peace and fulfillment that comes from yielding to God and letting him take the lead. This inspired me to write about living from the inside out.

Can you describe the creative process behind “Inside Out”?

I wrote “Inside Out” one evening while I was meditating. The melody and lyrics came to me spontaneously, and I knew I had to write about it.

“Inside Out” explores themes of self-realization and spiritual devotion. How do you balance these themes with the musical elements in the song, such as the folk and contemporary Christian influences?

Self-realization is God’s realization that comes from a place of spiritual devotion. As we begin to journey with God, we start to lose our flawed self-identity to adopt God’s perfected identity, which becomes our reality. Jesus describes Himself in John 14:6 as the way, the truth, and the life. He truly is our reality, and folk and contemporary Christian influences add melody to this reality in a way that captivates the hearts of the listeners, giving more substance to our devotion as we meditate on the lyrics of the song.

Thonia on Faith, Music, and Her Soul-Baring Single “Inside Out”
“Inside Out” Cover

The lyric “I’d rather follow you and be called a fool by the blind than walk by sight” is particularly striking. What does this line mean to you personally, and how does it reflect your approach to faith and spirituality?

This line speaks about my faith walk and journey. Every good thing God has promised us always starts with a leap of faith. Our salvation, peace, joy, and every good thing in between require us to follow God and believe in Him even when we do not yet see Him. And as we do, we begin to experience God and all of his promises for us. Following God requires us to walk by faith and not by sight. This is foolishness to some who may not have come to understand the ways of God and are blind to revelational knowledge. 

In what ways does “Inside Out” differ from your previous work, particularly your previous release, “Out of Zion”? Are there new elements or approaches you experimented with in this single?

Inside Out differs from “Out of Zion” in terms of the lyrical structure and genre. They both, however, speak on biblical truth. The tempo and vibe are different, with “Inside Out” taking a mid-tempo in comparison to “Out of Zion,” which is slower with some emotional component. For “Inside Out,” I wanted something that was chilled but still had a vibe to it, and I worked with my producer to get the right elements together for this song.

Can you tell us about your journey into music and ministry? What inspired you to pursue both, and how do they intersect in your work?

My journey into music began at an early age. I remember writing songs as a child, making melodies, and being in the choir for as long as I could remember. In 2019, God revealed to me the end of time in a vision where I saw the earth being consumed by fire, but God’s children were saved and brought to Zion in an assembly. This was where “Out of Zion” was first sung. Fast forward to 2022, I heard a call to ministry, and that same day, after much hesitation to respond to the call, God gave me the full version of the song “Out of Zion.” Then I knew I was being called to the music ministry to preach the gospel through music, and I had to respond to the call. I released “Out of Zion” that same year as my debut single.

What message do you hope listeners take away from “Inside Out”?

I hope every listener takes away this truth, that they can live a fulfilled life, filled with every goodness God has promised us. All that is required to enjoy life is to live by faith and not by sight, listening to and obeying the voice of God, that still small voice that brings peace.

Can you share any upcoming projects or collaborations that you are excited about? How do they align with or diverge from the themes in “Inside Out”?

I am currently working on my debut album to be released by spring of 2025 and I’m super excited about the work. This album aligns with Inside Out as it focuses on inspiring faith. The theme of the album however differs from Inside Out as this album is focused on “Rebounding”. There’s also a soon to be released Christmas project I’m working on, so stay tuned!