With “Hotline,” Thembot’s Global Takeover Continues
Thembot is more than just a booty call, and ultimately, the London glam-pop artist is “done with being your hotline,” as she sneers on her new single, “Hotline,” which is out today.
Thembot’s newest song, “Take Me Home,” is the follow-up to her music debut. It continues her honest investigation of intimacy and love, which is complicated in a society where “wining and dining” are less prevalent than empty sex. Thembot, who self-identifies as a femme, nonbinary, and trans woman, adds that these connections were “fucking with my head,” causing her to think all these insane things. Is it my transsexuality? Are they ashamed to have a doll on display in public? These guys are just males, plain and simple: horny, insecure, and poor.
Thembot’s fierce rejoinder, “Hotline,” is laced with early-aughts music.